People – a Reflection

CommunityHuman kindness comes to some but not so much to others, such as common sense. Treat one another as you would want to be treated. Is that such the case with people who think they are better than others? I find people intriguing in such that I think about what drives them to be and act the way they do? I see that in majority cases it has to do with pier pressure to be a curtain way and if they are called on by a group, leader or loved one they tend to be greatly influenced.

I think now that I’ve encountered different scenarios in my life time,  I have a better outlook and experience in how friends, employment and social gathering interact.  I’ve always thought of myself as being a very open minded person. I’m a good listener and genuinely want to hear what people have to say who ever they are. I’ve dealt with all kinds of people from all walks of life, if it be a white collar, blue collar or even unfortunate individuals everyone deserves to be heard. It’s either genetics, upbringing and or choice, the way people treat one another. I think as you grow and see how the world is and how our society interacts, it has an effect and outlook on how we socialize. America is so sheltered when it comes to the way people interact to one another. I guess you can say we are quite spoiled because we are allowed to have freedom of speech and have choices in how we choose to live our lives. The choice is of coarse yours to make and I hope it’s a positive one. The interaction you have if it be with fellow workers, strangers and or loved ones wishing it will always be with sincerity and goodness.

This is my REFLECTION for the month.

Much love and happiness.