Happy Holidays!

photoThe holidays brings out love, joy and togetherness. I hope everyone is having the privilege of spending time with loved ones! I have been very overwhelmed with so many thoughts of what next year will bring and haven’t been focusing too much on the Xmas spirit. YES shame on me, I know! I just figure I have next year to make up for it.

I was pleasantly surprised when a generous friend of mine sent me roses out of the thoughtfulness of his heart. I guess people just don’t send flowers for apologies or special occasions any more which is a wonderful change. It definitely put a smile on my face and made me feel loved. To my special friend “thank you so very much, it means a lot to me!”

I do have a lot to be grateful for this time of year, my health, good friends, a great place to live to prepare for next years goals which will bring a new perspective on my life and the people around me. I look forward to next Christmas, it will be filled with more love, more joy and togetherness for sure! I wish you all a warm holiday season with all the hugs and kisses you all can endure!

Much love,