End of another year 2016


Wow, how time has flown! I am so estatic to say that it’s been an incrediable year of change, growth, opportunities, friendship and love. Patience has assisted me tremendeously to improving my attitude, not giving up on myself and others. Life continues to inspire me as I am getting older and  wiser about the decision I make in my life.

As I watch the sunset from a beautiful home in La Jolla, I try to not take for grated the wonderful feeling of tranquility. I am very blessed to have the people I have in my passage for change, understanding and success.

Friendship is very important and if you are lucky to have the friends in your  life that love you uncondiitionally that is a HUGE step of not feeling alone. Reach out to the people you love and tell them how much you care. I guarantee that will make you feel as good as it will them.

I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving this month. Spend time with your loved ones if you can and or people you care about, sharing is caring. Eat till your bellies are full with happiness.

Peace & Love!